The role of Digital Creativity in Creative Arts Education: Pedagogy and digital tools for ‘making.’

Being an artist in current times, often requires a myriad of skills, far reaching those required of the practice itself. Our lives are increasingly interwoven with the digital landscape and although art can be devoid of digital in its form, it is likely to be somehow intrinsically linked, as our means of communication and self-expression [...]

A fun online movement class designed for the whole family for the Oak National Academy Assembly 2020

Back in June 2020 I was contacted by the team at Tes Global and asked if I could design a quick, fun, inclusive movement class to be delivered online as part of the Oak National Academy online assembly series. Of course I was thrilled to be asked even when faced with the challenge of fitting [...]

Digital Play II: an online makerspace for creative arts practitioners

Note: This blog was first published by University of the Arts London (UAL) as part of the Continued Professional Development (CPD) programme I developed in collaboration with the UAL awarding body in November 2020. The makerspace concept As an artist-researcher, I feel at my most alive and inspired when I am making things. Whether that [...]

Digital Play I: Integrating digital technologies creatively in FE (Further Education) performing arts.

Note: This blog was first published by University of the Arts London (UAL) as part of the Continued Professional Development (CPD) programme I developed in collaboration with the UAL awarding body in November 2020. I’m an Artist-Researcher and practice-based PhD candidate at the Institute of Creative Technologies (IoCT) De Montfort University (DMU). My research explores [...]

Navigating with Kindness BBC interview with Dominic King

Interview with Dom King aired June 2020 In response to the situations forced by the global pandemic, arts and kindness charity People United curated a series of reflections called Navigating with Kindness: A response to COVID-19 . The project enlisted contributions from a range of artists, researchers, creative industries professionals and more in an attempt to creatively capture [...]

Dance & precariousness

After reading todays Guardian article Side hustle essential: how Covid brought dancers to their knees by Lyndsey Winship, I was compelled to reflect on my past decades worth of work and the underlying precarity that I have managed to withstand as I have navigated the rocky terrain of the arts world. I never really thought [...]


Trinity Laban Voices in Motion over 60's dancers, 2019 To all my fellow #dance & #performance pals I’ve seen so many of you shifting your practice and embracing the digital to connect with existing and new participants globally! Generously turning your living spaces into home studios and helping people get out of their seats and their minds and really [...]

There’ll be a day, hopefully not long from now.

There’ll be a day, hopefully not long from nowwhen families will be reunited with cuddles and kisses not pixels on screens or live streams but people, together and our hands will heal. Friends will sit side by side, laughing as we occupy our favourite spaces againsigns saying 'temporarily closed' and 'hope to see you soon' on the doors will go, and [...]